After years of practice and working with clients, our compressors have acquired numerous awards and certifications from various domestic and international institutes, including the ISO9001, ISO14000, OHSAS-18000, ISO1461-1, TOSHMS verification (Taiwan), Symbol of Excellence Award (Taiwan), 2010 Industry Innovation Achievement Award (Taiwan), and many more.
The SRT two-stage screw heat pump is environmentally-friendly, exceptionally efficient, and highly precise, featuring a built-in eco-friendly R134a refrigerant. The SRT314HA to SRT413HA high temperature pump models operate at a capacity between 200 and 500kW (uniaxial pressure) with a heat capacity between 120 and 300kW (uniaxial pressure), and produce a discharge volume of approximately 267/172 to 636/300m3/hr. The SRT218 to SRT415 are low-temperature freezers that feature different refrigerant options. The R22 refrigerant has an evaporation temperature from -25℃ to -60℃; the R404A and R507 refrigerants have evaporation temperatures from -25℃ to -65℃), COP up to 1.68 (Evp. -35℃), and discharge volumes of about 144/60 – 759/300m3/hr.